After lunch, we split up into our house groups to work on our projects outlining our creative inventions in our business plans. Some of the students also participated in a question and answer session with the Pavillion Lake Research Project crew.
Next, we watched the documentary, “Occupation 101,” focusing on Palestine and its various internal and external conflicts. The video was quite emotional, leaving many of us in tears and in deep discussion.
Following dinner, the swimming at the UBC Aquatic Centre was a well needed break, to stretch out our stiff muscles.
The little things in between, the walks to and from lectures, late night talks, and movie watching, is what really brings us together. When I heard the stories from Shad alumni about how they had become a family, I was quite skeptical. How is it possible to develop such deep relationships in such a short period of time? With such likeminded people surrounding you, the answer is, it’s impossible for you not to create and sustain relationships. Talking about leaving is a sin. I have not felt this alive, peaceful, and content at the same time in a long time. I don’t fly as one here, but as a flock.
Sunita Kheterpal
Shad Valley UBC
Hometown: Brossard, Quebec