Durant les journées avant mon « blog day », il fallait que je décide dans quelle langue j’écrirai : en anglais ou en français. Je n’ai pas pu choisir. Dans l’esprit de notre communauté, je pense que mon blog doit être rien d’autre que bilingue.
Today was probably one of my favourite days at Shad so far. To start it off, the room key that I had lost two days ago was returned to me! After breakfast, we all headed over to our next activity, me, with Chamomile tea in hand. We completed a simulation in which we were analysts and traders, selling and buying carbon credits. Despite the hectic atmosphere in the room, with Shad traders yelling “BID 40!” “AT 50!” and Shad analysts banging on the windows making signals to their partners, my roommate and I somehow managed to figure out somewhat of a strategy. After the simulation, Jenn and I were feeling good about ourselves- we ranked 4th in terms of profit- but the PA's taught us that we could have easily doubled or tripled our profit had we only sold less and bought more carbon credits.
Après, nous sommes allés pour l'activité physique. La plupart des gens ont joué au frisbee, mais il y en avait qui sont allés faire du jogging. Moi, j'ai pratiqué notre danse en style Bollywood pour la nuit Multiculturelle qui s'approche. Je ne suis pas danseuse, mais j'adore le chanson "Jai Ho" alors je me suis encouragée, et j'ai pu apprendre une grande partie de la danse. Le souper (spaghetti) était vraiment délicieux; j'ai mangé vite et alors j'avais presque 2 heures de temps libre, durant lesquelles j'ai pratiqué pour la présentation de notre projet vers la fin de la journée.
While my house's last presentation hadn't gone as well as we had hoped, this presentation went quite well. The compliments were received with flushes of pleasure, the questions answered with alacrity. The constructive criticism was insightful, and the suggestions useful; we left the presentation room excited and proud of our project and our hard work. To top off the day, one of the houses organized a pajama dance party for Late Night. Complete with loud music and delicious snacks (apples and nutella!), everyone enjoyed themselves.
With less than 10 days left of Shad, everyone is full of mixed emotions: scared that the project is due so soon, shocked that the days have flown by so quickly, and mainly sad at the prospect of leaving all the wonderful, unique friends that we've made.
However instead of counting the amount of days left, I'd rather count much happier things: the amount of times my friend Ellery corrected my french grammar (12), the amount of laughs while lying on the grass (thousands), and the amount of unforgettable experiences I've had thus far (infinity and beyond!)
Zamyla Chan
Shad Valley Laval
Hometown: Vancouver, British Columbia