After breakfast, we made our way to the activity room, wondering what our second design challenge would be: CATAPULTS!!! We were divided into six groups and began our quest for planning and building the most efficient catapult for launching green army men the furthest distance. Of course the groups first went to the computer lab, most likely Googling best catapult design or optimal angle for catapult. After ten minutes, my group had our basic idea and started to sketch the design, taking into account our limited supplies.
I was surprised by the various designs. All teams did well. Next, we had two hours to get ready for Multicultural Night. As I was part of the Bollywood dance to the song "Jai Ho", I spent part of my time practicing with the other girls. Soon we were walking to the boudoir. The meal was delicious, including couscous, chicken, poutine, and brownies.
Now for what we were all waiting for: the show. The entertainment included the Tanzanian national anthem, Korean dance, Korean song, Chinese lessons (tongue twister), an interesting educational presentation, and the Bollywood dance. The night ended with a DANCE PARTY!
There is less than a week that remains of Shad, but I know that I will see some of the Shads from my hometown again in summer; in fact, we’ve already made plans of what we can do! Being at Shad Valley has really motivated me to do more activities, to push my boundaries, and to get out of my comfort zone. To top things off, my vocabulary has improved exponentially: innate, conventional, instigate, quintessentially …thanks to my wonderful Shad friends.
Sara Sassani
Shad Valley Laval
Hometown: North Vancouver, British Columbia